Yasuaki Onishi & Minako Yoshida
Residency 10-11/2024
Yasuaki Onishi
Minako Yoshida
Pipe Pico
150x120x40 cm
Yasuaki Onishi
Japan, 1979. Yasuaki studied sculpture at Kyoto City University of Art and University of Tsukuba, and through his experience with making molds, became interested in relationships between positive forms and negative space and in grasping not only objects themselves but also their surroundings. His works have consistently dealt with the themes of margins, voids, volumes and boundaries.
Minako Yoshida
Japan, 1981. Minako studied photography at Japan Institude of Photograpy and Film, and she was selected by French photographer Marc Riboud for the Canon New Cosmos of Photography 2002, which launched her career as a photographer.
Taking photographs is also an attempt to create a new harmony between the self and others.
She has been documenting and production assistant the work of sculptor Yasuaki Onishi from 2020.
photos in the gallery by Minako Yoshida